トップダウンにならないように気をつけていたらトップダウンになってしまった話/The Story of How an Approach Meant to Avoid Top-Down Decision Making Ended Up Creating a Top-Down Situation.
※English follows Japanese.
【第2章】鈴木修会長×豊田章男社長(聞き手 小谷真生子)「ここだけの話」
A Story of How Being Cautious Not to Be Top-Down Ended Up Being Top-Down.
It’s been a while.
We are about to renew our corporate website, and as I’ve been looking at our site more frequently, I’ve started noticing several areas that need improvement. So, we will be making small changes to the existing site as well.
Amidst this, I’ve wanted to start writing on our blog again, so I’m considering restarting it. I can’t believe it’s already been three years. It’s quite shocking. During this time, there were periods when I posted on platforms like Note, but those efforts didn’t continue as well as I had hoped. This year, I’m determined to make this happen.
Without top-down, bottom-up doesn’t happen
There’s actually another reason why I’ve felt so inclined to writing this blog again. Since January, a certain front-end engineer joined our company. Through communication with him, I’ve reconfirmed the importance of initiating communication and sharing information myself, as the company CEO
When I spoke with him after he had been with us for a while, he gave me this feedback:
‘I feel that this company lacks bottom-up initiatives and has a top-down atmosphere.’
I was quite surprised to hear this. I thought I had been managing the company by listening to everyone’s opinions on how they wanted to proceed, rather than imposing my own ideas.
However, when I expressed my surprise and the reasons for it, he said:
‘There’s no bottom-up because there’s no top-down. Not a top-down where you are ordered around, but a top-down where the top gives clear goals, visions, and challenges to think about. Without this, people at the bottom feel unengaged, and it becomes hard for them to express their opinions. As a result, a healthy bottom-up culture doesn’t develop, and instead, a negative form of top-down takes hold.’
His opinion really resonated with me.
Indeed, I’ve been less outspoken than I was a few years ago. As a result, I’ve been more focused on completing individual tasks than on my leadership role as CEO. I’ve realized that I had grown too accustomed to this way of working.
What is the job of a president?
Speaking honestly, I had interviewed this engineer about a year and a half ago. Various reasons prevented us from hiring him at that time, but I remember discussing many issues with him during that interview, as his direct and witty way of speaking was evident even back then. The challenges we faced in development over the past year often reminded me of that interview. This led me to contact him again after a year, and things moved quickly, resulting in him joining our company.
He told me, ‘You look much more tired than a year ago! I’m here to help and support, so let’s work hard together!’ This made me very happy, and I thought, ‘Let’s tackle all the challenges we couldn’t in the past year!’
Originally, I was the type to focus on internal company matters and work rather than attending dinners. However, this experience and my reflections over the past year on ‘What should a president do?’ have now connected more clearly in my mind.
Thinking about why his words resonated so strongly with me, I remembered a video that had been a great learning experience for me.
↓A dialogue between TOYOTA’s Chairman Toyoda and SUZUKI’s Chairman Suzuki
【Chapter 2】Chairman Osamu Suzuki × President Akio Toyoda (Moderator: Mao Koyama) ‘A private talk’
Once again, what is the job of a company CEO? It’s not about completing tasks, but about addressing the challenges we should face, explaining essential matters, values, judgment criteria, and concepts, and creating an environment where we can think and work on these together. To do this, it’s necessary to raise questions, ask the field, and communicate. I’ve been chased by tasks for more than a year, and perhaps I was pleased with myself, thinking I was doing well.
Classroom learning and theory are important, but I strongly believe that you can’t truly learn the essence without real-life experiences and failures. I will elevate this further and speak about it in my own words, connecting it to success.
Now is the time for change. As a president, I will continue to improve myself to enhance the value of the company and our employees.
This time, as a first step in resuming, I’ll stop here. Next time, I’ll write about the ‘Vision for 2024’.